Freedom at last!
"...three years ago". Did your son start having doubts before you did?
great news!.
we are free!.
as of the 9th of june, me and my dear wife mrs. eden handed over our letters of disassociation at bethel in portugal, thus making official our departure from the jehovah's witnesses.
Freedom at last!
"...three years ago". Did your son start having doubts before you did?
read the news here.
the jehovah's witnesses lost their appeal to the supreme court of russia.
bethel to be liquidated.. i bet the gb saw this coming ... here comes the persecution complex paranoia.
I am quite ambivalent about this liberal stance on freedom of religion. Sounds great and in practice has worked great, but it is time for some fine tuning. It should come with some restrictions that protect children's and women's rights, as well as prevent psychological abuse. So, freedom of religion is fine; worship Satan if you want. But no tax exemptions if you abuse, manipulate and psychologically abuse the individual. No shunning, no distinction between genders in terms of privileges and positions of authority, no discouraging higher education, no denying life saving medical procedures.If you refuse, you can freely practice your crazy and cruel religion, but you pay every penny of tax we can think of.
It's a tough course of action, but one that may have greater benefits than costs.
one sentence answers only.. here's mine:.
jws exist because people want an escape from the modern world and are willing to give up intellectual freedom to get it..
At the very root of the problem, JW's and milder Christian cults exist because Paul and Constantine existed.
sbf you annoyed me enough to deserve this.. gad saad's comments on the nonsensical gibberish of jacques derrida, michel foucault, and jacques lacan.
charlatanism of the highest order.
.... the first quote from derrida starts as 2:50.
I am with you and I am with some of the ideas of the 20th century schools, including the constructivists, for example. I believe Kant was the strongest voice of the idea that objectivity and science are human constructs (I hope I got that right). I agree, but regardless of who were the forerunners of constructivism, My point is that the way we do science and handle social interactions has worked pretty well so far. So, questioning our perception of reality without offering a better method is an effort into futility, especially considering the amazing discoveries and inventions that have not only improved the life of so many, but also are getting us closer to understanding the biggest mystery and the very source of our perception of reality, the human brain.
sbf you annoyed me enough to deserve this.. gad saad's comments on the nonsensical gibberish of jacques derrida, michel foucault, and jacques lacan.
charlatanism of the highest order.
.... the first quote from derrida starts as 2:50.
I did some reading on the concepts that you mention and moved me from ignorance to a state of confusion. Possibly my argument, if I had any, is that philosophy in recent times will almost have a null effect in the methods we use to discover and learn, as well as in our ethics and our moral and political philosophy. Roughly, starting with Descartes and Francis Bacon, and ending with the existentialists, the lion's share of philosophical thought that shaped modern western society was done. Anything after this period is so abstract that I hardly believe it will ever be settled in the near future. I am just an average man who finds some of the latest philosophical schools impenetrable or impractical.
sbf you annoyed me enough to deserve this.. gad saad's comments on the nonsensical gibberish of jacques derrida, michel foucault, and jacques lacan.
charlatanism of the highest order.
.... the first quote from derrida starts as 2:50.
A tangential question for those in the know, but first let me preface it.
I can't claim that post modernist are full of themselves because philosophy is not my gig...they do sound like they are full of it though. From my perspective (wow! I am becoming a postmodernist already), starting with the Pre-Socratic philosophers all the way to 19th century philosophers, we can safely say that they have influenced practically every aspect of modern western society: Ethics, Science, Art, Politics, Forms of Government, etc, etc.
What do the 20th century philosophical schools have done to improve our world or our understanding of it? Will they matter in the future?
just a note that 10 years ago, (christmas day, 2005), was my last time inside a kh.
a lot has taken place for the better in those 10 years:.
1. met the love of my life and happily married for 9 years, two days ago.. 2. completed a master's degree.. 3. work at senior management level in the it field.. 4. have a savings and retirement, and no debt outside of a mortgage and 1 car loan.. 5. lots of travel to several places that i never would have done as a jw.. 6. contribute to what i believe are meaningful causes.. 7. read, think, and meditate for myself.. 8. have a great extended family i inherited from my wife.. 9. lots of other great stuff, too much to list.. none of this is intended to be boastful.
my new year resolution is to invest more of my time with my family and friends.
also, as i approach retirement ( i am 50), i need to make sure there's enough to keep me and my wife going beyond our eighties.
i want to thank all of you because my time here, posting and reading, have been a great learning experience.
Safe at home,
True. In fact I don't plan to stop working until I stop breathing. However, I don't want to spend my last decades depending solely on a government check. That's not enough if my plans are to visit all, or at least most countries that are represented in this site. So far it's just the U.S., Mexico and Canada.
It's only 6:20 pm in Chihuahua Mexico where I am now. I got few more hours to go.
Happy New 2016 to everyone at JWN. I hope many more lurkers turn to the "Dark Side" in 2016.
my new year resolution is to invest more of my time with my family and friends.
also, as i approach retirement ( i am 50), i need to make sure there's enough to keep me and my wife going beyond our eighties.
i want to thank all of you because my time here, posting and reading, have been a great learning experience.
my new year resolution is to invest more of my time with my family and friends.
also, as i approach retirement ( i am 50), i need to make sure there's enough to keep me and my wife going beyond our eighties.
i want to thank all of you because my time here, posting and reading, have been a great learning experience.
My New Year resolution is to invest more of my time with my family and friends. Also, as I approach retirement ( I am 50), I need to make sure there's enough to keep me and my wife going beyond our eighties.
I want to thank all of you because my time here, posting and reading, have been a great learning experience. Many of you have had a lasting influence in my views and interests on some subjects. Many names come to mind, but I will write the three main ones: Leolaia, Ann O'maly and Cofty. Many others also have had an immense influence on me, but as a group. They are all those who posted the heart wrenching experiences that made me aware of the evil side of religion. Thank you.
I apologize to those that I insulted, Some times my entrenched views can get me carried away.
What's going to make 2016 tough is my vow not to post here anymore. This site is addictive because many wise and knowledgeable people here share their knowledge and wisdom with the rest of us. Thank you. I will occasionally drop by to read comments regarding our common "friend" who keeps our relatives and friends captives. I hope I get to see the denouement of the Watchtower saga in my lifetime.
OK, Keep an eye on me. If I break my vow, then you can claim $100.00 prize. Send me a PM with a to where I should send the money order.
I solemnly swear.not to post anything in 2016...just 2016.